Why We Are Here

We provide a learning platform for content creators to be able to provide and teach their studies, courses, and content from around the globe. We built this platform before the 2020 Pandemic and have found a lot of use from it. Some of our groups have been able to keep meeting via google meets and zoom and be able to not lose a beat in the process. Now we would like to make this platform available to the rest of the world. un-Traditional Magick is based on the idea that everyone has their own path to follow and everyone practices their own beliefs differently.

What we aim to do is to guide those on their personal paths to understand themselves in a way they have not before. We teach a variety of Magickal Subjects from traditions from all around the world. We do not hold ourselves to any tradition or way of thought and accept any and all who have good in their hearts and minds. Whatever belief they may follow.

Unfortunately running our platform is not free, as much as we wish it could be. While our live classes will always be free, our recorded lessons, quizzes, awards, and our library of resources do require a subscription to access. The subscription is only $5.99 USD a month and we hope that you see the value in our content and mission to continue to support us. Upon registering for our site you will be asked for your payment card info. Do not worry you will not be charged until the 15 days are over, and we provide an easy access to cancel your trial via our customer portal.

Please note that our billing is done through our partner Patti's Paradoxes.